Lender API Overview
The Lender API enables a lender to retrieve both applications and documents while providing ongoing digital interaction between brokers and lenders. The interaction between lenders and brokers using this API is seamless, we have automated the complete process including the submission, responses in both directions, the creation of mortgage commitments with/without conditions through to the funding of the mortgage.
Newton will help you with custom work that may be required for your implementation. Our preference to have all our lender partners upgraded to our latest schema. Please Note: Document submission is only available with schema 3.19 or higher.
Our project team will gladly work through a plan to get you connected to our extensive Mortgage Originator network by setting up a development sandbox with access to POS application data entry to allow your team to work independently. We will share our experiences and best practices to make this process as smooth as possible.
The Lender API has the following operations:
- Get - The Get service call will retrieve applications (initial and updates) and any documents from Brokers
- Set - The Set service call will allow you to drop off responses including your own commitment with conditions
- Ack - The Ack service call, resets the pending queue contents to allow you to retrieve the next application or document
For more information, request the latest Lender Package where we can share the entire schemas, calls, tools for implementation, sample applications and credentials.
Key Features
- Receive (Push service) validated mortgage applications in the most current technology/schema.
- Receive (Push service) virus validated documents to the platform of your choice after submission
- Respond to origination systems with Approval and Decline statuses.
- Send your initial and updated custom commitments with conditions for ingestion and management by Brokers.
Lender API Upgrades
We understand that upgrading to our newest schema may not always work into your schedule, therefore we are committed to supporting our previous schema versions for a period of time to help you in preparing for future upgrades.
Our current active schema versions are shown here with the changes implemented in each to convey the added benefits in each new version. Each version has an “end of life” plan where we will no longer be supporting that version. We will communicate a plan with you to upgrade your end of life version six months in advance of that date.
End of Life Planning
V3.16 – March 2022
V3.17 – September 2022
V3.18 – March 2023
V3.19 – March 2024
V3.20 – September 2026
V3.21 – March 2028
Version Differences
Differences between 3.20 and 3.21
Added document metadata attributes
- Request/Application/Document/@documentType
- Request/Application/Document/@documentTypeForOther
Added/updated enumerator values:
- Add 'DocumentTypeEnumType' enumerator
- Values: 'Appraisal', 'BankStatements', 'BFSFinancials', 'Commitment', 'Consent', 'Costs', 'GiftLetter', 'LeaseAgreement', 'LetterOfEmployment', 'MaritalAgreements', 'MLSListing', 'MortgageStatement', 'NOA', 'OptaValidation', 'PADVoidCheque', 'PayStub', 'PropertyAssessment', 'PropertyTax', 'ProvincialDisclosures', 'PurchaseAgreement', 'RentalWorksheet', 'Solicitor', 'StatedIncomeDeclaration', 'StrataCondoStatusDocuments', 'StrataFormB', 'T1General', 'T4' and 'Other'
- Update 'InsurerEnumType' enumerator
- Rename 'Genworth' and 'Sagen'
- Update 'OtherIncomeEnumType' enumerator
- Rename 'SupportOrAlimony' to 'Alimony'
- Add 'CanadaChildBenefit', 'CanadaPensionPlan', 'ChildSupport',
- 'InterestIncome', 'OldAgePension' and 'SurvivorBenefitsPension'
- Update 'StreetEnumType' enumerator
Differences between 3.19 and 3.20
Allow for submission of multiple raw data elements for a customer's credit report (ie. FFF and XML for Equifax)
- Request/Customer/CreditCheck/CreditCheckRawData
- Remove maxOccurs limit
Added new dropdown/combo values:
- DownPaymentSourceEnumType
- SecondaryFinancing
Rename attributes to follow attribute naming convention (starting with small letters):
- Request/*/Address/@rrOrPOBoxNumber (instead of @RROrPOBoxNumber)
- Request/*/Address/@provinceOrCountry (instead of @ProvinceOrCountry)
- Request/Application/SubjectProperty/LegalAddress/@pin (instead of @PIN)
Rename elements to follow element naming convention (starting with capital letters):
- Request/Application/SubjectProperty/BuildingOrUnitSize (instead of buildingOrUnitSize)
- Request/Application/SubjectProperty/LotSize (instead of lotSize)
Update type of amount attributes, allowing for values up to 99,999,999.99 (Money102FixedType instead of Money92FixedType):
- Request/Application/DownPayment/@amount
- Request/Application/SubjectProperty/AppraisalDetails/@appraisedValue
- Request/Application/SubjectProperty/@purchasePriceOrEstimatedValue
- Request/Application/SubjectProperty/@improvedAmount
- Request/Application/SubjectProperty/@improvementsAmount
- Request/Customer/BankruptcyHistory/@amountOfDebt
- Request/Customer/CustomerAddress/@estimatedCurrentValue
- Request/Customer/CustomerAddress/@originalPurchasePrice
- Request/AssetList/RealProperty/@estimatedCurrentValue
- Request/AssetList/OtherAsset/@assetValue
- Request/LiabilityList/PropertyLiability/ExistingMortgage/@outstandingBalance
- Request/LiabilityList/PropertyLiability/ExistingMortgage/@previousSalePrice
- Request/LiabilityList/PropertyLiability/ExistingMortgage/@originalLoanAmount
- Request/LiabilityList/PropertyLiability/ExistingMortgage/@insuredAmount
- Request/LiabilityList/OtherLiability/@totalOutstandingBalance
- Request/LiabilityList/OtherLiability/@creditLimit
Differences between 3.18 and 3.19
- Schema 3.19 supports Document Submission from Velocity to your platform and supported from ANY connected POS.
- Application/@applicationDate attribute is replaced with Application/@applicationDateTime;
- Application/@posDealID added to represent Deal ID reference in point of sale system (e.g. V-number from Velocity);
- For Employment
- Add @industryType attribute "FarmNaturalResources"
- StreetEnumType
- Add "QUAI", "REACH", and "UNION";
- PoSSystemIdEnumType
- Add "Scarlett", "CIBCExpert", "Lendesk", "Doorr", "Boss", and "Finmo";
- Html version of credit check report is removed from CreditReport element.
- For Document Submission
- Add ConditionType
Differences between 3.17 and 3.18
Add new element to capture customer’s employer company information:
- Request/Customer/Employment/EmployerDetails/Company
- Add @registeredName attribute – Company registered name
- Add @companyType attribute – User entered description of the type of company
- Add @operatingAs attribute – Operating name of the company
Add new attribute to capture joint customer number on the bureau:
- Request/Customer/CreditCheck/@jointCustomerNumber
Add new attribute to capture customer employment’s time in industry (date started):
- Request/Customer/CreditCheck/Employment/@dateStartedInIndustry
Add new attribute to capture individual’s suffix:
- Request/*/IndividualName/@suffix
- Request/*/IndividualName/@suffixForOther (fallback attribute for newly introduced values in future schemas)
Add new attributes to capture additional rental expenses:
- Request/*/RentalExpenses/@annualInterestAmount
- Request/*/RentalExpenses/@generalExpenses
Rename attribute that captures the Underwriter’s user ID in Link
- Request/Underwriter/@individualUserId (instead of @LinkUserId)
Remove unused dropdown/combo values:
- LoanPurposeEnumType
- LineOfCredit
Added new dropdown/combo values:
- OccupancyStatusEnumType
- SecondHome
- SuffixEnumType
- Jr
- Sr
- Other
- EmploymentIncomeEnumType
- Salary
- Hourly
- HourlyAndCommission
Differences between 3.16 and 3.17
Add new attribute to capture additional details for Purpose of Loan:
- Request/Application/@additionalPurpose
Add new attribute to capture improvements description:
- Request/Application/SubjectProperty/@improveDescription
Add new attributes to capture customer address’ original purchase price and date:
- Request/Customer/CustomerAddress/@originalPurchasePrice
- Request/Customer/CustomerAddress/@originalPurchaseDate
Add new attribute to capture Lender’s line of business:
- Request/Application/Mortgage/@lineOfBusiness
- Request/Application/Mortgage/@lineOfBusinessForOther (fallback attribute for newly introduced values in future schemas)
Add new attribute to capture liability repayment type:
- Request/LiabilityList/OtherLiability/@loanRepaymentType
- Request/LiabilityList/OtherLiability/@loanRepaymentTypeForOther (fallback attribute for newly introduced values in future schemas)
- [REMOVED] Request/LiabilityList/OtherLiability/@loanRepaymentIndicator
Added new dropdown/combo values:
- LineOfBusinessEnumType
- ResidentialA
- ResidentialB
- ResidentialC
- Other
- ToRemain
- PriorToAdvance
- FromProceeds
- Other