Velocity’s brand new ‘Upgraded Validator’ for mortgage applications

We have launched a new enhancement to your Velocity application to make it easier to validate your submissions to Expert and/or Morweb.

We call it the Upgraded Validator! Its purpose is to help you isolate and act on adding the required fields that Expert and/or Morweb require in order to submit your applications.

This new enhancement helps reduce your time and minimizes frustration by highlighting where attention is required.

Validation happens in 3 easy ways:

  1. Validation Explanation and fields

This tells you where and what is required to eliminate the guessing

  1. Easy Highlighting to bring your attention to the sections that may need some TLC.

If you don’t have your sections set to Auto Expand, this is a great feature to show you where to look!

  1. Highlights the EXACT fields that you need to complete

We show you clearly the fields that you need to fill in

It’s a simple matter of addressing each of the validation errors and clicking the Actions button once again to Submit.

We are continuously trying to improve your experience and welcome any feedback that you have to make the application process simpler.

More questions? Email and we will be in touch!

For a free trial or to request a demo – check out the links on the sidebar to your right of this post.
