We are ecstatic that Mortgage Brokers and Agents across Canada have embraced Velocity and helped us cross this critical first hurdle of $1 Billion in monthly submissions this past March,
says Geoff Willis from Newton.
The ability to submit to all lenders (since June 2018) has been a game changer for Velocity.

A secure client document portal, bank account statement confirmation, digital signatures, and other recent enhancements have helped Brokers and Agents decide that now is the time to transition from Expert and deliver clients and lenders an upgraded, modernized, always improving experience.
Every other technology choice available involves having to interact with Expert in some fashion. With Velocity you only need one operating platform, to interact directly with all lenders and key suppliers such as Equifax and Manulife (MPP), delivering you a straightforward, more efficient application and approval process,
says Geoff Willis.
Newton is set to launch additional enhancements in the coming months including the ability to connect third party online credit journeys and extract application data to external CRM programs in order to support chosen business efforts by Brokers and Agents.