DISCOVER the best product for your clients in a few simple steps

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The benefits of using DISCOVERY

Filter Your Results

Narrow your results by adding filters based on your client profile. The filters are split into 3 sections, Client, Product and Property. Can’t find the filter you want? check out the ‘Advanced filters’ for more options.

Easily View Products

All products are displayed as easy to read cards for you to quickly compare and find the perfect match. A list view is also available.

Partial Matches

Results will display based on how close they match your filters, keep an eye out for the Match percentage, this let’s you know how closely it matches your filters.

Lender Updated and Verified

Rates and product attributes within Discovery are updated and verified by Lenders directly with a date stamp of their last update on every card.

Compare Products

If you want to compare products by a particular attribute, use the ‘compare by’ dropdown. The products will be displayed in a list highlighting your preferred comparison in the left hand column.

Learn how to use this awesome enhancement!

Discovery Step-By-Step Instructions

Join us for one of our upcoming Live Online Training Sessions

In the time it takes to have a coffee break, tune in and let one of our trainers show you why DISCOVERY is a game changer. Click the preferred time below to register.