You can now submit directly to MCF Mortgages through Velocity and Expert
MCF Mortgages has been a 1st mortgage equity lender since 1975! We pride ourselves on our “outside the box” way of thinking to get your deals done.
Our philosophy is really quite simple – We lend on the equity, not the client!
Best of all, as an equity lender we never GDS/TDS qualify our deals or look at credit or income. You will never have to supply us with NOA’s, T4’s, bank statements etc.
People ask us how we make mortgages so easy? “We keep it simple!”
Lending Area
We lend all across Ontario in Major Cities, Rural, Small Towns and on Agricultural properties
Contact Info
Chad Mooney – V.P. Business Development / chad@mcfinvestments.ca / 416-272-0494
Dina Andrez – Underwriting Mgr / dina@mcfinvestments.ca / 905-727-5479
Andrea Schubert – Underwriter / andrea@mcfinvestments.ca / 905-727-5479
Stephanie Patterson – Fulfillment Officer / stephanie@mcfinvestments.ca / 905-727-5479