Great News!!
We added more lenders in your arsenal!
Submit directly and easily to Oppono!
Oppono Lending Company dedicates 7 days a week in ensuring our brokers and agents receive the quickest closing times and the best customer service in the business! We specialize in the GTA area (but will consider other areas) with a MAX LTV of 75%.
From Velocity, you can submit directly to our lenders, including:

The top 3 lenders represent close to 50% market share AND they speak directly back to your Velocity Dashboard!
More Lenders are coming soon!
Velocity is the only integrated, end-to-end operating system that handles the entire mortgage approval process. Our direct connections to the lenders allow you to capture an application, send your file to a lender, manage conditions and store documents all in one place.
If you want to dig deeper into Velocity, please check out our Velocity Training Centre here.