We’ve got some new updates for you including the ability to opt your clients in for CRM Communications in bulk, as well as the introduction of the new VelocityCRM Homepage, and added filters to the Activity page. Read on to get the deets.
Bulk CASL Opt In
- You can now opt your clients in to receive CRM Communications (via the CASL checkbox) en-masse with just the click of a button.
- Quick view of all clients who are opted in / out.
Click the play button below to preview
VelocityCRM – What’s New?
- Introducing the CRM Homepage
- View campaign statistics including the number of campaigns you have, the type, and channels.
- Create and manage campaigns straight from the Homepage.

- Auto-merge an “Apply Now” button with your online application link.
- No easier way to start receiving applications than through your set ’em and forget ’em campaigns
Click the play button to preview
- Activity page filter
- A faster way to sort and approve campaigns – on your CRM Activity page you now have a campaign type filter for a quicker way to mass send.
Click the play button below to preview
Client Consent Verbiage Update
- The disclosure messaging on both the Client Consent for Credit document and the Client Journey (online application) has been modernized and restructured.
- Please note: if you had previously modified this text to suit your compliance needs then your revisions will NOT be overridden.
What Else is New?
- The Lender drop-down menu in the mortgage request section has been re-organized
- Alberta Disclosure document calculation updates
- Ontario Disclosure to Borrower and Amortization Schedule changes
- Nova Scotia Disclosure statement updates